Is an HSA Right For You?
June 20, 2019 Knowledge Center
Is an HSA Right For You?

To help defray health care costs, many people now contribute to, or are thinking about setting up, Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). With these accounts, individuals can pay for certain medical expenses on a tax advantaged basis. The basics With HSAs, you take more responsibility for your health care costs. If you’re covered by a qualified […]

Donating Your Vehicle to Charity May Not Be A Taxwise Decision
June 18, 2019 Knowledge Center
Donating Your Vehicle to Charity May Not Be A Taxwise Decision

You’ve probably seen or heard ads urging you to donate your car to charity. “Make a difference and receive tax savings,” one organization states. But donating a vehicle may not result in a big tax deduction — or any deduction at all. Trade in, sell or donate? Let’s say you’re buying a new car and […]

You Have Options When Addressing Life Insurance in Your Estate Plan
June 11, 2019 Knowledge Center
You Have Options When Addressing Life Insurance in Your Estate Plan

Life insurance has long provided a source of liquidity to pay estate taxes and other expenses. But, with the estate tax exemption currently set at an inflation-adjusted $10 million ($11.40 million for 2019), estate taxes are no longer a concern for many families. Nonetheless, life insurance offers many benefits for nontaxable estates. If you own life insurance […]

Thinking About Moving to Another State in Retirement? Don’t Forget About Taxes
June 5, 2019 Knowledge Center
Thinking About Moving to Another State in Retirement? Don’t Forget About Taxes

When you retire, you may consider moving to another state — say, for the weather or to be closer to your loved ones. Don’t forget to factor state and local taxes into the equation. Establishing residency for state tax purposes may be more complicated than it initially appears to be. Identify all applicable taxes It […]

Targeting and Converting Your Company’s Sales Prospects
May 29, 2019 Knowledge Center
Targeting and Converting Your Company’s Sales Prospects

Companies tend to spend considerable time and resources training and upskilling their sales staff on how to handle existing customers. And this is, no doubt, a critical task. But don’t overlook the vast pool of individuals or entities that want to buy from you but just don’t know it yet. We’re talking about prospects. Identifying […]

It’s a Good Time to Check Your Withholding and Make Changes, If Necessary
May 21, 2019 Knowledge Center
It’s a Good Time to Check Your Withholding and Make Changes, If Necessary

Due to the massive changes in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), the 2019 filing season resulted in surprises. Some filers who have gotten a refund in past years wound up owing money. The IRS reports that the number of refunds paid this year is down from last year — and the average refund […]

Selling Your Home? Consider These Tax Implications
May 17, 2019 Knowledge Center
Selling Your Home? Consider These Tax Implications

Spring and summer are the optimum seasons for selling a home. And interest rates are currently attractive, so buyers may be out in full force in your area. Freddie Mac reports that the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate was 4.14% during the week of May 2, 2019, while the 15-year mortgage rate was 3.6%. This […]

Does Your Estate Plan Include a Formula Funding Clause?
May 10, 2019 Knowledge Center
Does Your Estate Plan Include a Formula Funding Clause?

The gift and estate tax exemption is higher than it’s ever been, thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), which temporarily doubled the exemption to an inflation-adjusted $10 million ($20 million for married couples who design their estate plans properly). This year, the exemption amount is $11.4 million ($22.8 million for married couples). If you’re married and […]

Check On Your Refund — And Find Out Why The IRS Might Not Send It
May 8, 2019 Knowledge Center
Check On Your Refund — And Find Out Why The IRS Might Not Send It

It’s that time of year when many people who filed their tax returns in April are checking their mail or bank accounts to see if their refunds have landed. According to the IRS, most refunds are issued in less than 21 calendar days. However, it may take longer — and in rare cases, refunds might […]

Plug In Tax Savings For Electric Vehicles
May 3, 2019 Knowledge Center
Plug In Tax Savings For Electric Vehicles

While the number of plug-in electric vehicles (EVs) is still small compared with other cars on the road, it’s growing — especially in certain parts of the country. If you’re interested in purchasing an electric or hybrid vehicle, you may be eligible for a federal income tax credit of up to $7,500. (Depending on where […]

Should Your Health Care Plan Be More Future-Focused?
May 1, 2019 Knowledge Center
Should Your Health Care Plan Be More Future-Focused?

The pace of health care cost inflation has remained moderate over the past year or so, and employers are trying to keep it that way. In response, many businesses aren’t seeking immediate cost-cutting measures or asking employees to shoulder more of the burden. Rather, they’re looking to “future-focused” health care plan features to encourage healthful […]

Miller Kaplan Unveils New Branding
April 30, 2019 Press Releases
Miller Kaplan Unveils New Branding

Miller Kaplan Arase LLP, a top-100 certified public accounting firm, recently unveiled a major rebrand. This all-encompassing refresh includes branding the firm as Miller Kaplan, a new logo, and a complete redesign of the firm’s website. In recent years, Miller Kaplan has strategically built its staff, capabilities, and technology to better drive the success of […]