3 Traditional Midyear Tax Planning Strategies for Individuals That Hold Up Post-TCJA
July 17, 2018 Knowledge Center
3 Traditional Midyear Tax Planning Strategies for Individuals That Hold Up Post-TCJA

With its many changes to individual tax rates, brackets and breaks, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) means taxpayers need to revisit their tax planning strategies. Certain strategies that were once tried-and-true will no longer save or defer tax. But there are some that will hold up for many taxpayers. And they’ll be more […]

What You Can Deduct When Volunteering
July 10, 2018 Knowledge Center
What You Can Deduct When Volunteering

Because donations to charity of cash or property generally are tax deductible (if you itemize), it only seems logical that the donation of something even more valuable to you — your time — would also be deductible. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Donations of time or services aren’t deductible. It doesn’t matter if it’s simple […]

Basis Consistency Rules May Come into Play if You’re Administering an Estate or Inheriting Property
July 6, 2018 Knowledge Center
Basis Consistency Rules May Come into Play if You’re Administering an Estate or Inheriting Property

When it comes to tax law changes and estate planning, the substantial increases to the gift and estate tax exemptions under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are getting the most attention these days. But a tax law change enacted in 2015 also warrants your attention. That change generally prohibits the income tax basis of […]

Home Green Home: Save Tax by Saving Energy
July 4, 2018 Knowledge Center
Home Green Home: Save Tax by Saving Energy

“Going green” at home — whether it’s your principal residence or a second home — can reduce your tax bill in addition to your energy bill, all while helping the environment, too. The catch is that, to reap all three benefits, you need to buy and install certain types of renewable energy equipment in the […]

Finding a 401(k) That’s Right for Your Business
June 29, 2018 Knowledge Center
Finding a 401(k) That’s Right for Your Business

By and large, today’s employees expect employers to offer a tax-advantaged retirement plan. A 401(k) is an obvious choice to consider, but you may not be aware that there are a variety of types to choose from. Let’s check out some of the most popular options: Traditional. Employees contribute on a pretax basis, with the employer […]

Julia Damasco Joins Prestigious Organizations
June 29, 2018 Press Releases
Julia Damasco Joins Prestigious Organizations

We are pleased to announce that one of our partners, Julia Damasco, recently joined two prestigious organizations; she will be serving as Chair for the NAFER IRS Liaison Committee and is now a member of the board of directors for the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation. After having recently been admitted to the National Association of Federal Equity Receivers […]

Consider the Tax Advantages of Investing in Qualified Small Business Stock
June 20, 2018 Knowledge Center
Consider the Tax Advantages of Investing in Qualified Small Business Stock

While the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) reduced most ordinary-income tax rates for individuals, it didn’t change long-term capital gains rates. They remain at 0%, 15% and 20%. The 0% rate generally applies to taxpayers in the bottom two ordinary-income tax brackets (now 10% and 12%), but you no longer have to be in […]

Which Intangibles Should Private Firms Report Following a Merger?
June 15, 2018 Knowledge Center
Which Intangibles Should Private Firms Report Following a Merger?

2018 is expected to be a hot year for mergers and acquisitions. But accounting for these transactions under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) can be complicated, especially if the deal involves intangible assets. Fortunately, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) offers a reporting alternative for private companies that simplifies accounting for new business combinations, […]

Fortify Your Estate Plan Against Undue Influence Claims
June 14, 2018 Knowledge Center
Fortify Your Estate Plan Against Undue Influence Claims

Of course, you expect the declarations in your will to be carried out, as required by law. Usually, that’s exactly what happens with wills. However, it’s possible your will could be contested and your true intentions defeated if someone is found to have exerted “undue influence” over your decisions. Undue influence defined Undue influence is […]

Auditing Related-Party Transactions
June 8, 2018 Knowledge Center
Auditing Related-Party Transactions

Business owners generally prefer to work with entities they know and trust. But related-party transactions can provide opportunities for individuals to act in a manner that’s inconsistent with the interests of shareholders. That’s why auditors take pains to identify and properly address related-party transactions. What is a related party? Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) Topic 850 […]

Factor in State and Local Taxes When Deciding Where to Live in Retirement
June 6, 2018 Knowledge Center
Factor in State and Local Taxes When Deciding Where to Live in Retirement

Many Americans relocate to another state when they retire. If you’re thinking about such a move, state and local taxes should factor into your decision. Income, property and sales tax Choosing a state that has no personal income tax may appear to be the best option. But that might not be the case once you […]

Naming a Minor as Beneficiary of a Life Insurance Policy or Retirement Plan Can Lead to Unintended Outcomes
June 4, 2018 Knowledge Center
Naming a Minor as Beneficiary of a Life Insurance Policy or Retirement Plan Can Lead to Unintended Outcomes

A common estate planning mistake is to designate a minor as beneficiary — or contingent beneficiary — of a life insurance policy or retirement plan. While making your young child the beneficiary of such assets may seem like an excellent way to provide for him or her in the case of your untimely death, doing […]