2023 adjusted penalties for health benefits and other employer plans
February 3, 2023 Knowledge Center
2023 adjusted penalties for health benefits and other employer plans

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently announced the 2023 annual adjustments to civil monetary penalties for a wide range of benefits-related violations. Legislation enacted in 2015 requires annual adjustments to certain penalty amounts by January 15 of each year. The 2023 adjustments are effective for penalties assessed after January 15, 2023, with respect to violations occurring […]

Retirement plan early withdrawals: Make sure you meet the requirements to avoid a penalty
February 2, 2023 Knowledge Center
Retirement plan early withdrawals: Make sure you meet the requirements to avoid a penalty

Most retirement plan distributions are subject to income tax and may be subject to an additional penalty if you take an early withdrawal. What’s considered early? In general, it’s when participants take money out of a traditional IRA or other qualified retirement plan before age 59½. Such distributions are generally taxable and may be subject […]

Auditing accounting estimates
January 31, 2023 Knowledge Center
Auditing accounting estimates

When companies report financial results, they often rely on estimates made by management. Examples include the allowance for doubtful accounts, warranty obligations, costs of pending litigation, goodwill impairment and the fair values of acquired intangible assets. How do auditors evaluate whether amounts reported on the financial statements for these items seem reasonable? Inquiry and testing […]

New report shows a decrease in CAMs in 2022
January 27, 2023 Knowledge Center
New report shows a decrease in CAMs in 2022

The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) recently published its second post-implementation review on critical audit matters (CAMs). The report found that, while the proportion of auditor’s reports that have a single CAM has increased, the average number of CAMs has declined over time. Here’s what you should know. Defining CAMs Auditors of public companies […]

Deciding whether to make lifetime gifts or bequests at death can be a deceptively complex question
January 27, 2023 Knowledge Center
Deciding whether to make lifetime gifts or bequests at death can be a deceptively complex question

One of your primary estate planning goals may be to pass as much of your wealth to your family as possible. That means sheltering your estate from gift and estate taxes. One way to do so is to make gifts during your lifetime. Current tax law may make that an enticing proposition, given the inflation-adjusted […]

Tax-saving ways to help pay for college — once your child starts attending
January 26, 2023 Knowledge Center
Tax-saving ways to help pay for college — once your child starts attending

If you have a child or grandchild in college — congratulations! To help pay for the expenses, many parents and grandparents saved for years in tax-favored accounts, such as 529 plans. But there are also a number of tax breaks that you may be able to claim once your child begins attending college or post-secondary […]

Business owners: Now’s the time to revisit buy-sell agreements
January 26, 2023 Knowledge Center
Business owners: Now’s the time to revisit buy-sell agreements

If you own an interest in a closely held business, a buy-sell agreement should be a critical component of your estate and succession plans. These agreements provide for the orderly disposition of each owner’s interest after a “triggering event,” such as death, disability, divorce or withdrawal from the business. This is accomplished by permitting or […]

Employers: Don’t overlook legislative changes affecting group health plans
January 24, 2023 Knowledge Center
Employers: Don’t overlook legislative changes affecting group health plans

Late last year, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (CAA 2023) was signed into law. Much of the discussion about this massive “omnibus” spending package has centered on the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement 2.0 Act, a law within the package that addresses qualified retirement plans. However, the CAA 2023 also brings changes to […]

A single parent’s estate plan should address specific circumstances
January 24, 2023 Knowledge Center
A single parent’s estate plan should address specific circumstances

According to the Pew Research Center, nearly a quarter (23%) of U.S. children under the age of 18 live with one parent. This is more than three times the share (7%) of children from around the world who do so. If your household falls into this category, ensure your estate plan properly accounts for your […]

Is now the time for your small business to launch a retirement plan?
January 20, 2023 Knowledge Center
Is now the time for your small business to launch a retirement plan?

Many small businesses start out as “lean enterprises,” with costs kept to a minimum to lower risks and maximize cash flow. But there comes a point in the evolution of many companies — particularly in a tight job market — when investing money in employee benefits becomes advisable, if not downright mandatory. Is now the […]

Update on remote auditing
January 19, 2023 Knowledge Center
Update on remote auditing

Remote work became a buzz topic when the United States went into lockdown mode in 2020 to combat the effects of COVID-19. Like many companies, audit firms quickly shifted to remote auditing with video conferencing and drones. Now that the country has largely reopened, will auditors continue to work remotely? Remote auditing “definitely continues to […]

SECURE 2.0 brings changes to employer-provided retirement plans
January 17, 2023 Knowledge Center
SECURE 2.0 brings changes to employer-provided retirement plans

On December 29, 2022, President Biden signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 into law. This massive year-end “omnibus” spending package includes an important new law: the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement 2.0 Act (SECURE 2.0). Here are some highlights that should be of great interest to employers that offer a 401(k) or […]